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Arbitration fee 2,5% from the value of the dispute minimum 2.500,- CZK
Accelerated Proceeding - Express Arbitration fee arbitration fee increased by 50%
(1) The costs of arbitral proceedings shall include: a) the fee of arbitral proceedings - arbitration fee b) specific costs incurred by the Arbitration Centre c) their own costs incurred by the parties.
(2) The arbitration fee in accordance with paragraph 1 lit.a) shall partly cover the general costs connected with the Arbitration Centre activities. An arbitration fee shall be collected in respect of every dispute commenced.
(3) Specific costs incurred by the Arbitration Centre are costs incurred with respect to the individual dispute for taking evidence, paying the remuneration to the expert witnesses, holding hearings outside the seat of the Arbitration Centre, making translations of documents, paying the fees of interpreters, etc., and shall be paid in amounts, actually incurred.
(4) The parties´ own costs shall be the expenditures incurred by the parties in connection with their interests (travelling costs, fees of their legal representatives, etc.).
(1) In consideration of the Arbitration Court trying the dispute, an arbitration fee, calculated on the value of the subject-matter of the claim shall be assessed. This fee shall be paid by the Claimant when filing its Statement of Claim. Similarly, the Respondent filing a counterclaim or raising a plea shall pay an arbitration fee. Until the arbitration fee is paid, the Statement of claim or the counterclaim, as the case may be, or the plea of a set-off shall not be tried; if the arbitration fee is not paid in the correct amount in accordance with the value of the subject matter of the dispute even within an additional term, the arbitration proceedings shall be discontinued.
(2) The amount of the arbitration fee shall be determined based upon the value of the claim in CZK in accordance with the tariff of the arbitration fees.
(3) The fee shall be increased by 50% if the oral proceedings are held and the decision is made in another language than in Czech (Slovak). Until the increased fee is paid, the case shall not be heard in another language than Czech (or Slovak).
(4) The arbitration fee shall be deemed to be paid upon its being credited to the bank account of the Arbitration Centre - announced at it´s websites.
(1) In addition, the parties shall advance reasonable funds to the Arbitration Centre to cover specific costs of the Arbitration Centre, which are incurred in the trial of individual cases. Such advances have to be paid within the term and in the amount determined by the Board. This duty may be imposed only on the party which precipitated such costs or if same are incurred for its sole benefit. Unless the advance determined is paid, steps for the coverage of which it is intended shall not be carried out.
(2) Specific costs incurred by the Arbitration Court due to services of the interpreter or translator to, or from, another language than the language of the arbitration proceedings shall be borne by the party which made the request, or as the case may be, for the benefit of which this service is provided.
(1) The arbitration fee shall as a rule be borne by the party which loses the dispute.
(2) If the Claimant is only successful partially the arbitration fee shall be divided between the parties in a proportion corresponding to the portion of the relief sought which was granted with respect to that which was denied.
(3) Coverage of specific and party’s costs by the other party will be awarded to the party in the arbitral award, as a rule, according to the success in the case.